Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Coffee Shop Living

So I feel like I could live my life in a coffee shop and never leave. But since that is an unwise decision at this time in my life I like to simulate that feeling in my living room. Freshly brewed coffee from my little coffee pot, listening to some sweet Over the Rhine tunes that I just bought in a dimly lit room (my roomie just went to bed to I only have one lamp on). Its a sweet moment in my genuinely chaotic lifestyle. I have 2 papers and a project due but there's no stress, just silence and peace. Which is new for me at this time.
I've been running around sending resumes, worrying about resumes, writing papers, cramming in late nights for those papers, hanging with people, balancing people and school and beautiful time with Jesus. So in this coffee shop moment of my life I will relax in knowing that God has these things balanced for me. I will have something to do this semester. I will graduate on time in about a year from now. I will pass my incredibly paper heavy film history class. (Is that weird that thats the order they come in stress in my life?) I have faith that not only does he balance these things for me that he will show up in their outcomes.
But if you could pray for my summer that would be so beautiful since its almost April and I still don't know where I will be. I could be in LA (living in a box under a highway), Seattle, Nashville, New York, Joplin, or back home. The possibilities are endless but as of right now so is the silence. So pray for my summer, my patience, and for my heart not to harden.
For now I will be silent and wait in this little moment. So I could live in a coffee shop but for now I will sit here in my apartment trying to finish video treatments for my class tomorrow while inhaling that wonderful coffee smell drifting from coffee cup.

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